What does XP in Windows XP stand for?


Does Windows XP contain any Easter eggs

Because they had to supply certain government agencies with software, Microsoft can’t include undocumented features, including Easter eggs, in its software. As a result, ou will not find any Easter eggs exist in XP, atleast as of right now :).

Set Up a Direct Cable Connection Between Two Computers in Windows XP

A direct cable connection is a link between the input/output (I/O) ports of two computers by using a single cable rather than a modem or other interfacing device. In most cases, you make a direct cable connection with a null modem cable. You can use a direct cable connection to transfer information between the computers to exchange files, access resources, and so on.

How can I remove ‘My Computer’ from the desktop?

Use Regedt32 to navigate to:


On the Registry menu, choose Save Key, in case you change your mind. Then delete 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D and all its’ subkeys.

How do I grant a user local administrative privileges on their NT Workstation, without traveling ?

To grant a user local administrative privileges on their workstation, you would add them to the local Administrators group on their workstation. They will still be ordinary users in the domain, but will simultaneously be an Administrator on their Windows NT Workstation.

You can do this without visiting their workstation, if the Schedule service is running on the workstation, either under the System Account (the default) or under an Administrators or Domain Admins Account. On your workstation (or server), open a CMD prompt and type:

AT RemoteComputerName HH:MM cmd /c “net localgroup Administrators DomainNameUserName /ADD”

where HH:MM is at least 2 minutes from now.

How do I disable the Logoff button on the CTRL+ALT+DEL Security dialog ?

To disable the Logoff button from the CTRL+ALT+DEL Security dialog, navigate to:

Add Value name NoLogoff as a type REG_DWORD and set it to 1. A value of 0 enables the Logoff button.
This change is effective immediately.

How do I set OUTLOOK to be the default mail client?


Run “C:program filesmicrosoft officeofficeoutlook.exe.” /checkclient

Answer Yes to:

Outlook is not currently your default manager for Mail and News.
Would you like to register Outlook as the default manager?

How can I add a Printer to the Send To?

To add a specific Printer to the Send To option:

1. Using My Computer, browse to the SendTo folder in your profile. Example: %SystemRoot%ProfilesSendTo.
2. Open the Printers folder and select the desired Printer. Example: Start / Settings / Printers / PrinterName.
3. Right click the Printer and drag it to the SendTo folder.
4. Select Create a Shortcut Here from the shortcut menu that appears.
5. Right click the Printer shortcut in the SendTo folder and rename it.

How can I force Terminal Server to terminate a disconnected client session

When a Terminal Server client abnormally (power failure, network failure, etc..) loses their connection to the Terminal Server, their session may not be marked as disconnected. When the client logs on again, a new session is created, leaving the origonal session active, consuming resources.

To fix this problem, apply the latest Terminal Server Service Pack. Then use Regedt32 to navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal Server

On the Edit menu, Add Value name KeepAliveEnable as a type REG_DWORD. Set the data value to 1. The default is 0.

Use the Connection Configuration tool to double-click rdp-tcp, and click Advanced.
Locate the On a broken or timed-out connection, connect action the session line. Then:

Clear the Inherit User Config check box.
Check Disconnect.
Press OK.

With these settings, KeepAliveEnable will use Carrier Loss Detection,
polling each client every (KeepAvileInterval / #sessions), to disconnect the client session.

Window size and location is not remembered

Windows NT remembers the size and location of the last 28 windows closed.

Each Windows size and location is stored as a subkey at:
The first window for the first user is 0, the second windows is 1, etc. After 28, a subkey is overwritten. The association of these subkeys with a window is stored at:
If your StreamMRU settings become cross linked, the size and location of a window will be stored on top of another windows entry.

To correct this problem, delete all the subkeys of the Stream key and all the value names of the StreamMRU key, except MRUList.