Posted in Powershell

How can I suspend a VM on VMware workstation via Powershell ?

As there is no API for Powershell in VMware worksation, we need to use the built-in tool called ‘vmrun.exe” This utility can be used to control virtual machines and allows the following operations: start (power on), stop (power off), reset (reboot), suspend (but allow local work to resume), pause (without interrupting), and unpause (continue) =====Suspend […]

How can I create / name a folder with today’s date?

This is very handy if you are using scripts to generate daily logs and would like to put them in a folder with the current date. You can, of course, tweak the commands to suit your requirements:   for /F “tokens=1-4 delims=/ ” %%A in (‘date /t’) do ( set DateDay=%%A set DateMonth=%%B set DateYear=%%C […]

How can I search for all users that have the “Network Policy” set to false using PowerShell ?

If you need to search Active Directory to find users who currently have the “Network Access Permission” set to “Deny Access” on the Dial-in tab of their user account run this Powershell command: Get-ADUser -Filter {(mail -like “*”) -and (ObjectClass -eq “user”)} -Properties msNPAllowDialin | Where { $_.msNPAllowDialin -match “False” } | fl Name, msNPAllowDialin […]