Posted in Windows 2000

Free Windows Live Messenger Invites!!

Yes I have some MSN Messenger Live invites to give out. Want one? Its easy, just leave a comment and explain why you prefer Windows over Unix. I will pick the best replies and mail the invites out. Good luck !

Free INSTANT MSN Live Messenger Invite !!!!

No competitions, no quizzes, no waiting !… Click here for your INSTANT free MSN messenger Live Invite !! Enjoy 🙂

How can I migrate shares and their data between servers?

Microsoft provides the Microsoft File Server Migration Toolkit (FSMT), which you can download from Here . The tool lets you migrate shares and data from any server running Windows NT 4.0 or later to a Windows Server 2003 (or Windows Storage Server 2003) machine. The utility also interfaces with DFS, which lets you maintain the […]

Are there any registry keys or files that the account specified for a performance alert requires?

When you create a performance alert, by default it runs as the Network Service account. However, you can specify a different account for its execution. If you specify another account, ensure that the named account has the following rights: * Read access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib * Full Access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSysmonLog and its subkeys * Read […]

How can I use a script to delete a computer from a domain?

The following code will delete the passed computer name (e.g., “delme”) from the alibutt domain. Dim objDC Dim strComputer, strDomain strComputer = “delme” strDomain = “alibutt” Set objDC = getobject(“WinNT://” & strDomain ) objDC.Delete “Computer”, strComputer

Can I disable the Message Transfer Agent (MTA) on Microsoft Exchange Server 2003?

Microsoft has changed its stance about disabling the MTA on Exchange Server 2003. In Exchange 2000 Server, you couldn’t disable the MTA, but because of limitations with the MTA in cluster environments and because its primary use is for communicating with Exchange 5.5 servers, Exchange 2003 lets you disable the MTA. The main problem with […]

What’s a rootkit, and how can I check for rootkits installed on my machine?

A rootkit is a term used to describe mechanisms that allow malware such as viruses and spyware to hide their existence from tools that are designed to eradicate them. Rootkits commonly open back doors to systems so that malicious intruders can access the system with administrative credentials or intruders use them on the machine to […]

How do I disable Internet Explorer password caching?

When you are prompted to type your security credentials into the Enter Network Password dialog and you check Save this password in your password list, you have cached your password. To disable password caching: 1. Open a CMD.EXE window. 2. Type the following command and press Enter: REG ADD “HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings” /V DisablePasswordCaching /T REG_DWORD […]

How can I determine which groups I’m a member of for my current logon session?

You can use the whoami command with the /groups switch to display all the groups in the currently logged on user token as the following command and output show: whoami /groups C:Documents and Settingsali>whoami /groups [Group 1] = “UKDomain Users” [Group 2] = “Everyone” [Group 3] = “MERCURYDebugger Users” [Group 4] = “BUILTINAdministrators” [Group 5] […]

Why do 10 million people play World Of Warcraft ?

A friend of mine recently sent me this email and I believe it answers the title of this post perfectly:

I guess it’s a combination of things. Work was taking up more of my time and WOW felt like a second job when just one job was already enough for me. But ultimately it came down to this. If I put in 10 hours pumping out presentations for my boss, reading about mutual funds online, etc. I came out the better for it. However, if I spent the same 10 hours playing, maybe I’d get a level up out of it but when I log off the game, what do I have to show for the last 10 hours of my life. Not much.