Posted in Windows 2003

What is DropMyRights?

“DropMyRights is a very simple application to help users who must run as an administrator run applications in a much-safer context—that of a non-administrator. It does this by taking the current user’s token, removing various privileges and SIDs from the token, and then using that token to start another process, such as Internet Explorer or […]

How Can I Move the Blackberry Administrator mailbox?

The administration mailbox is essential to the operation of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server because it holds critical information, such as the Server Relay Protocol (SRP) connectivity information, instance names and associated user lists. To move the administration mailbox between mailbox stores or Exchange servers, complete the following steps: 1. In Services, on the BlackBerry Enterprise […]

Open / View .Bat .log files in IIS6 Windows 2003

When you try and click on a .log file served from IIS6 you receive a 404 error. You need to look through you log files and find out exactly what 404 IIS was giving. If it was 404 with a sub status of 3, then it is denied due to MIME Type, so make sure […]

Screen Lock Transparent for Windows 2000/NT/XP

Transparent Screen Lock enables IT professionals to prevent unauthorized system access, while maintaining the ability to view applications running on the desktop for monitoring purposes. Website

Create Lock Desktop Icon

You can lock the Windows 2000 or XP desktop with a click of an icon. Create a shortcut icon on the desktop to run the following command: rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Free Gmail Account give away …

Please leave a comment and explain why you deserve a 1Gb Gmail account. Make sure you leave your email address. Good Luck.

How can I use the registry to configure Group Policy update times?

You usually configure Group Policy update times under the Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemGroup Policy and the User ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemGroup Policy branches; however, you can also directly set the registry to configure Group Policy update times by performing the following steps: Start regedit.exe. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystem to set Computer refresh. Or, alternatively, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystem to set […]

How can I let users search, but not browse, Active Directory (AD)?

You can use either a policy setting or the registry to configure AD for browsing. To use the policy setting method, perform the following steps: Open Group Policy with the Group Policy Editor (GPE). Navigate to User Configurations, Administrative Templates, Desktop, AD. Double-click “Hide Active Directory folder.” Select the Policy tab. Click Enabled, and click […]

How can I let users log on to the domain when they can’t contact the Global Catalog (GC)?

When a native-mode user logs on to the domain, a GC checks Universal group memberships. If the user can’t contact a GC, the logon will fail. To let users log on even though they can’t contact the GC, perform the following steps on the servers that service the client logons: 1. Start a registry editor […]

How can I use the command line to rename a user account in Windows Server 2003?

You can use the Dsmove command with the -newname switch to rename Active Directory (AD) objects. For example, to change user savillj to user johnsavill, type C:>dsmove CN=savillj,CN=Users,DC=it,DC=uk,DC=savilltech,DC=com -newname johnsavill The machine will return the following result: dsmove succeeded:CN=savillj,CN=Users,DC=it,DC=uk,DC=savilltech,DC=com