Posted in Scripting

How can I use a script to determine the number of processors in a machine?

You can use a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) script to easily ascertain the number of processors on a machine. To do so, use these VBScript commands in a script file: Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) Set oEnv = oShell.Environment(“SYSTEM”) WScript.Echo oEnv(“NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS”)

Freeware Caffeine prevents your PC from locking or going to sleep

Run this to prevent your PC screen from locking. It does this by simulating that you’ve pressed the shift key once every 59 seconds. Double-click the icon to temporarily disable Caffeine, and permit your screen to lock. Under Win98: a key down and then a key up event is simulated Under Win2000/XP: a key up […]

Screen Lock Transparent for Windows 2000/NT/XP

Transparent Screen Lock enables IT professionals to prevent unauthorized system access, while maintaining the ability to view applications running on the desktop for monitoring purposes. Website

Create Lock Desktop Icon

You can lock the Windows 2000 or XP desktop with a click of an icon. Create a shortcut icon on the desktop to run the following command: rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Free Gmail Account give away …

Please leave a comment and explain why you deserve a 1Gb Gmail account. Make sure you leave your email address. Good Luck.

How can I create a file that contains a list of all objects in a domain?

You can use the Csvde utility, which is included in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server, to create a comma-separated value (CSV) file that lists all objects in a domain. For example, to list all objects in the home.local domain, you’d run the command csvde -d “dc=home,dc=local” -f domain.csv

How do I change the default script host from Wscript to Cscript or visa versa

The default scripting engine for Windows 2000 is Wscript. If you use Cscript more often, you may wish to change the default, to eliminate the need to type Cscript before each file. To change the default, type: cscript //h:cscript //s

Shortcut For Logging Off

Paste the below in to a text file and save as logoff.vbs set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) WshShell.SendKeys “^{ESC}ul{ENTER}”