Posted in General

How can I brand the Internet Explorer window title

If you wish to replace the Microsoft Internet Explorer with your own brand, use regedt32 to navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain On the Edit menu, Add Value name Window Title, as a string (REG_SZ) data type. Enter a text string. When you open a new Internet Explorer window, all your window titles will have your text […]

How can I tell if SP6a is installed, using the registry

The standard method of inspecting the CSDVersion value name at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion does not show the a, showing only Service Pack 6. If Service Pack 6a has been installed, the Installed value name at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NTCurrentVersionHotfixQ246009 will contain a 1.

How do I disable URL auto completion in IE 5.x

If you wish to disable Internet Explorer 5.x from suggesting the completion of a typed URL, use Regedt32 to navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAutoComplete On the Edit menu, Add Value name AutoSuggest, as a string (REG_SZ) data type. Set the data value to No. The default value is Yes

Windows 2000 errors when your computer is name Internet?

Microsoft has elected to declare Internet a restricted computer name. It can NOT be used by a domain controller, a member server, or a Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional client that is a member of a Windows 2000 domain. If your server is named Internet and you run Dcpromo, you will receive: Lsass.exe – System Error […]

Can I cause Windows Media Player to play DVD-ROMS?

To enable Windows Media Player to play DVD-ROMS: 1. Use Regedt32 to navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftMediaPlayerPlayerSettings. 2. On the Edit menu, Add Value name EnableDVDUI, as a REG_SZ data type. 3. Set the data value to Yes. 4. Exit Regedt32. When you open Windows Media Player, the Open dialogue box will have a new entry in […]

How can you use SMS Remote Control, without a clients permission

When you use SMS Remote Control, and the client is NOT present to respond to the ‘permission’ prompt, you have a problem. When the client is a server with no one logged on, you clearly need a solution. You can use Regedt32 on the client, to navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSMSClientClient ComponentsRemote Control. Edit or Add Value […]

A quick way to determine the owner of a file

A quick way to determine the owner of a file is to open a CMD prompt and type dir /q FolderFileName.Extension.

Grey Hair colour ..

Hair Color of the “Person” Icon for a User Group Becomes Gray If the Group Contains More Than 500 Users. If you want to change the number: Link

How do I Start/Stop an ISA Server service from the command-line?

You can individually Stop / Start these services, using the long or short names: “ISA Server Packet Filter Extension Driver” Mspfltex “Microsoft Web Proxy” W3proxy “Microsoft Firewall” Fwsrv “Microsoft ISA Server Control” Isactrl

Access MSN messenger from mobile / pda / web / wap

Yes its possible to access MSN messenger even if your pda / phone does not have the MSN software. As long as you can browse the web can you talk to your buddies ! Connect here: Link